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Step into a world of self-discovery and relaxation with my YouTube channel, Heal with Hayley Jane! Join me on a transformative journey featuring free education and rejuvenating hypno-meditations. Explore a variety of topics, from mindfulness to stress management, and let my soothing hypno-meditations guide you to a place of deep relaxation and inner calm. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to wellness, my content is tailored for everyone. Subscribe now to become a part of a community committed to continuous growth and personal development. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your well-being. Your journey to a more mindful and relaxed you starts here. Subscribe, like, and share the positivity!

If you are experiencing relationship stress or HAVING TROUBLE HEALING FROM trauma you are not the problem and it is not your fault.

It’s time to feel alive inside!


Hayley Jane
Clinical Hypno-Psychotherapist

I founded Alive Inside Co. to empower individuals of all ages to thrive amidst life's challenges. To provide immediate access to support, education and resources that empower and break toxic family cycles.

Having personally experienced the impact of prolonged exposure to relationship stress and abuse, I understand the toll it can take on one's mental and physical well-being and the lack of support available.

If you're grappling with relationship stress or trauma, it's important to know that you're not alone, and it's not your fault. Together, let's embark on a journey to awaken the vibrant energy within you. It's time to feel Alive Inside!


  • Hypnotherapy involves inducing a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility in an individual. This state, often referred to as a trance or hypnotic state, is characterised by a heightened concentration and a temporary alteration of the conscious mind's awareness. During this focused state, individuals become more open to suggestions and are more responsive to therapeutic interventions.

  • Mind-body therapy distinguishes itself from traditional talk therapy by adopting a holistic approach that recognises the intrinsic connection between mental and physical well-being. While traditional talk therapy primarily relies on verbal communication to explore thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, mind-body therapy not only integrates body-centered techniques like mindfulness and meditation but also places a strong emphasis on nervous system healing and somatic healing. By incorporating practices that foster relaxation and regulate the nervous system, mind-body therapy aims to address the impact of stress and trauma on both the mind and body. Techniques promoting somatic healing, such as paying attention to bodily sensations and movement, contribute to a more comprehensive and experiential therapeutic process. This integrative approach provides individuals with a unique opportunity to engage in healing on multiple levels, fostering a deeper understanding of their emotional and physical well-being.

  • Online hypnotherapy has proven to be a highly effective alternative to traditional, in-person sessions, thanks to advancements in technology and the convenience of virtual platforms. Engaging with a licensed and experienced hypnotherapist who is adept at adapting techniques for the online environment is crucial. One notable advantage of online sessions is that individuals can choose a space where they feel most comfortable, contributing to an enhanced trance experience. Being in a familiar and relaxed environment allows clients to deepen their focus and relaxation, ultimately maximizing the effectiveness of the hypnotherapy session. Clear communication with the therapist, along with the option to record sessions for reinforcement, further adds to the benefits of online hypnotherapy. It's an accessible and flexible option for those seeking the transformative benefits of hypnotherapy from the comfort of their own surroundings.

  • No, a hypnotherapist cannot control you during a hypnotherapy session. Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process that requires the active participation and cooperation of the individual. While in a hypnotic state, individuals retain full control over their thoughts, actions, and decisions.

    Hypnotherapy involves inducing a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, commonly referred to as a trance. In this state, individuals become more open to therapeutic suggestions, but they cannot be forced to do anything against their will. The suggestions provided by the hypnotherapist are aligned with the individual's goals and are typically designed to promote positive changes in thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

    It's essential to understand that hypnotherapy is not a form of mind control. Individuals in a hypnotic state are aware of their surroundings, and they have the ability to reject any suggestion that goes against their values or desires. The collaborative nature of hypnotherapy relies on trust between the individual and the therapist.

    If you have concerns or reservations about hypnotherapy, it's crucial to communicate openly with your hypnotherapist. A qualified and ethical hypnotherapist will prioritise your comfort and well-being, providing a safe and supportive environment for the therapeutic process.

  • Absolutely. I specialise in providing support for the whole family unit and my approach involves collaborating closely with their parents or guardians. Recognising the unique needs of each child, I aim to create a nurturing and inclusive environment. My therapy method emphasises the importance of involving parents in the process to enhance understanding and communication within the family. If you have concerns about your child's well-being or behavioral challenges, I'm here to offer guidance and support for both the child and the parent to encourage positive growth and development.

  • No, I specialise in working with individuals. Stress and trauma manifest uniquely in each person, and by addressing individual concerns, clients can better contribute positively to their relationships. This personalised approach is particularly beneficial as it can uncover and address issues like narcissistic or emotional abuse that may otherwise go unnoticed in a couples therapy setting. Ultimately, supporting each individual contributes to the overall well-being of the family unit.

  • The number of sessions needed in mind-body therapy can vary based on individual circumstances and therapeutic goals. While some individuals may experience positive outcomes in as few as four sessions, others may benefit from a more extended course of therapy, possibly around 8 sessions. The optimal number often depends on factors such as the nature and complexity of the issues being addressed, individual responsiveness to the therapeutic process, and the collaborative establishment of specific goals. The duration of therapy is a flexible and personalised aspect of the treatment plan, and ongoing assessment and communication between the client and therapist help determine the most effective and beneficial course of sessions for each individual.